Signed in as:
Signed in as:
MEMBERSHIP: (Must be renewed by APRIL 1st OF EACH YEAR)
Dues of $25/member: $40/couple annually.
$350 = SINGLE
* BIGS is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit, tax-free organization with library & museum status. Membership is tax deductible.
1. To create an Irish family database center in Buffalo, in conjunction with the Buffalo Irish Center, as in the heritage centers in Ireland. This goal will take years of collecting materials and in-depth correspondence with the heritage centers in Ireland for their guidance.
2. To encourage the Irish community to participate by submitting their own family genealogies and histories to be made available to others doing Irish research. Not limited to Irish families of Western New York.
3. To collect, preserve, and make accessible genealogical records relating to the Irish. We will index and publish various records dealing with Irish immigrants in America.
4. To provide genealogical workshops for the Irish community and represent the Irish of Buffalo at various events throughout the year.
PDF form to download, print out, fill in and send with a check for annual dues.
BIGS Member Application (pdf)